Monday, September 22, 2014

Incredibly Blessed

Hello Readers!

It feels like forever since I last blogged, but I'm going to take that as a good thing. I've been busy enjoying life and all of the beautiful moments it has to offer. This fall semester has started off with so many unexpected blessings. Wonderful residents, supportive coworkers, caring family and friends, and a sweet young man have made my fall nothing short of fantastic. 

Last night, I had the opportunity to lead a worship and study night for my Christian service sorority, Kappa Phi. Our focus was on Colossians 3:23-24 and how we are expected to serve with a heart for the Lord.

"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance; for ye serve the Lord Christ." (Colossians 3:23-24, KJV)

During one of the activities, I had the ladies jot down their to-do list for the week and consider which items served themselves rather than served others. As I anticipated, most of my own to-do list expectations were quite self-serving. 

This week, I intend to take Colossians 3:23-24 to heart. I added a few acts of kindness to my to-do list and I can't wait to see how God works through these gestures. My hope and prayer would be for my readers to take some time to reflect on how they can apply Colossians 3:23-24 as well. Small acts of great love are a fantastic way to share God's compassion and kindness with others. All it takes is one small gesture to make someone's day!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Thoughts on Late Night Laundry

We all have our dirty laundry. It's the pieces of the past we wish we could forget; it's the parts of our lives we wish we could wash clean.

As I sit and wait on my actual, tangible laundry, my mind has been wandering and reflecting on the figurative laundry of my past. To some, it might not seem all that wild, crazy or bad. But in God's eyes, any actions we have taken that remove us from Him are equally as ugly, dirty, and disappointing. 

Thankfully, we don't have to live with the burden of that load.

Through His grace, we are saved.

Through His patience, we are guided to new paths.

Through His forgiveness, we can move onto better days of wiser decisions.

The past six months of my life have been a tumultuous time of reflection, growth, and perseverance in learning to take these steps of faith into a brighter future. Although I've been a Christian my whole life, I do not believe there has been any portion of that time that was more challenging of my faith. 

The reality check I went through last spring was rough, dirty, and sometimes made me want to cry. But through Christ's love, I got through it. 

Being back at college is showing me exactly how much I've developed as a young woman in these past six months. The pains of the past are lesser and the excitements of the future are greater. My moods are stable and my confidence in who I am in Christ has flourished. 

God gave me exactly the detergent I needed to rinse my past hurts clean. He can do it for you, too. I hope and pray that my late night laundry thoughts are the encouragement you need to allow Christ to clean up your past. There is no need to live folded under the guilt and burdens of the past. 

Through His love, we are cleaned and set free. He pulls us out of darkness and into light.

We see this with Job:

"God has delivered me from going down to the pit, and I shall live to enjoy the light of life." Job 33:28

"As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy." James 5:11

We see this in 1 Peter:

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." 1 Peter 2:9

We see this in Isaiah:

"'Come now, let us settle the matter," says the Lord. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are as red as crimson, they shall be like wool.'" Isaiah 1:18

These are just a few of many examples of God's remarkable love and forgiveness. Take some time to soak in His goodness, because He truly cares for you!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Saying goodbye to the not-so-sandy days at Seaside

After a beach vacation, the usual reminder of good times comes in the form of specks of sand wedged into the crevices of bags and shoes. 

After working at a place called Seaside, I can't say that I've found any sand. But I certainly have memories! I left my employment in a waterpark gift shop to head back to school for fall. In honor of a request by a co-worker to have an "article written", I decided to write a blog post about my times at Seaside this summer!

So here are my top five summer memories from working at this place:

1) Parking lot tie-dye: Yep, we made tie-dye shirts in the work parking lot. Not something you get to do with most jobs! It was a fun time!

2) IHOP outings: I tried IHOP for the first time, and then for a second time. They were tasty and entertaining nights out with co-workers. I definitely had a side of laughs to go with those pancakes.

3) Laps around the store: We had a lot of rain and cool weather this summer, so my fellow associates and I got quite a bit of exercise. That exercise was walking around the store fixing racks of clothing, sweeping any little piece of debris, and finding all sorts of ways to productively pass the time. And maybe chatting every now and then... :)

4) Bucket hat swag: One awesome perk of working in the waterpark was getting to wear a super-cool bucket hat. Maybe super-cool is an exaggeration, but nevertheless, it was a fun addition to a simple uniform!

5) Finding a boyfriend: Just kidding! Had to throw that in the list because a silly co-worker was bound and determined to set me up with a random park guest. It would have been dreadfully awkward, but the thought of it sure was funny!

Thanks to my co-workers for a great summer job experience. Best wishes for all of your futures!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

A Harness Racing Fan is Born

I actually understood a sport.

For those of you who know me well, this is nearly as significant a life event as the fact I was published for the first time this week. I attended the Clyde Hirt Journalism Workshop, which encompasses all aspects of reporting on harness racing. Not only did I have to learn to properly watch a race, but also comprehend the ins and outs of the event to share with others through writing.

I feel so blessed to have had the opportunities offered the past four days. I am not a journalism major, yet feel prepared to freelance write for publications in my future, thanks to this workshop. Thanks be to God for the talents he has given me. There is no way I could have done this weekend alone through my own sheer willpower. Glory to Him for the guidance and resources provided to make my first publishing experiences a success! 

Here are my articles for the Philly Inquirer:

Philadelphia Owner Skips Billy Joel Concert to Run Longshot in Hambletonian

Takter Drives Trixton to Hambletonian Victory

In addition to the writing opportunities, I had what seem to be once in a lifetime experiences. Check out the photos below (photo credits to Lia Eustachewich) to see some highlights!

We toured the NY Daily News and were copy-edited by a staff member.

Tour of the paddock at Yonkers Raceway. We spoke with a veterinarian and met driver Jason Bartlett.
I drove CD's Miss M, then gave her a bath and cleaned the stall at Gaitway Farm. She was such a sweet Trottingbred horse!

I fed Captaintreacherous a carrot. He had a silly personality and would stomp his feet when he wanted more to eat.

I sat in the press box at Citi Field. Great view!

Another awesome view-- sitting in the dugout for the Mets! I even chewed their bubble gum. If I was more athletic, I'd say I felt ready to walk out onto the field and play.

On the day of the Hambletonian (harness racing's most prestigious event), we had a roundtable with professionals in the field.

I had such a memorable experience at this workshop and hope to stay involved in (or at least watch) the field of harness racing. A fan has been born!

Now for a safe flight home with my cousin, Kathy Parker :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A Miracle, A New Week, A Crazy Life

A Miracle.

That's all you can call it! As my Facebook friends and close family are aware, my grandpa needed all the prayers he could get last Friday. First thing that morning, my grandma found him unresponsive and not wearing his oxygen mask. Soon, emergency medical staff learned he had an incredibly low sugar level and were asking for a copy of his living will. 

I'd rather not share all the details of this stressful time, but I do want to thank everyone for their prayers. My grandpa should not have lived when the episode is examined in a logical sense; nevertheless, God trumps all medical and worldly ways and He gave my grandpa another chance at life! Today, Grandpa left the hospital!

A New Week.

I am so thankful for a fresh start this week. Last week, there were several curveballs thrown my family's way. As I was attempting to get recurring anxiety and depression symptoms in check, we found out my dad will be in need of a new job due to outsourcing. Add Grandpa's situation to the mix and you have the definition of stress! 

God truly placed His healing hands on our trials last week. He provided encouragement through thoughtful gestures from several of my friends. He gave my dad the resources needed to start the job hunt. He ultimately saved my grandpa's life. All in all, those trials have become a huge testimony of God's power, strength, and grace.

A Crazy Life.

When I look back on the past few months, it's easy to say I've had a pretty crazy life. Crazy good. God has done so much work in my heart and mind. In a short amount of time, He turned my struggles into an opportunity to rest in His presence. I am grateful for the new friendships and experiences He has provided. I am also looking forward to where He takes me as I finish summer and enter my third year of college!

God has been teaching me the real-life application of the following scripture:

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." -James 1:2-4

I hope to keep this passage in mind as I face future trials. Life can get crazy, but with God by our side it can be crazy good.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Update: 21 Before I'm 21

I've made some progress, with pictures to prove it! Check out all the stuff God has given me the opportunity to do over the past few weeks:

#5- Try at least five new foods, drinks, or restaurants...I tried Gigi's Cupcakes, IHOP, and several different types of authentic Vietnamese food!

#11- Do three crafts off of Pinterest...I'm working on door decorations for my residents next fall. I also made a running tutu. One more craft to go before I can fully check this task off the list!

#13- Make a scrapbook of my college experiences...I modified this idea and made a scrapbook of the travel experiences I've had, several of which were during college. I plan to update it as I go on more adventures!

#19- Do something unusual, spontaneous, or out of my comfort zone!...I started going to a college-age ministry program at a local church, all by myself! I joined a small group for the summer and pushed myself out of my comfort zone. I'm so glad I did because I've learned a lot and met some really great people!

#21- Keep up with my Bible-in-a-Year reading plan...I got a few days behind, but I'm caught up now! Currently working on Ezra and 31% complete with the plan. God is teaching me so much discipline through this endeavor.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Not Immune

Completely, utterly surrounded. Fans cheering for God more than for the top-chart singers. People raising their hands in worship. Friendly smiles exchanged among strangers. Tents full of charity efforts.

All of that Christianity enveloped me, yet I still sinned.

Yes, I'm a sinner. And yes, I sinned at a Christian event.

Despite the Christ-focused efforts that might be at our fingertips, a spiritual and holy atmosphere is not enough to make us immune to sin. It creeps under our skin the second we say "yes" to a temptation, whether it be with a quick temper or a lustful glance. In my case, all it took were some unkind and snappy remarks to my family. Jesus was in my heart and I'd said "yes" to Him long ago; nevertheless, I was not and will not be immune to temptations that lead to sin.

This past weekend, I had the chance to check out contemporary Christian music at Spiritsong with some of my family. We just might fall into the category of overenthusiastic fans, considering our homemade signs, glowsticks (not pictured), and TobyMac t-shirts. :)

If we went by that picture, it would be safe to say that every aspect of the experience was centered around enjoying time together and cheering for some great music. However, this photo doesn't tell the full story. 

Not even a few hours before this picture was taken, I let some anxiety get the best of me and took it out on my family. I was grumpy, made remarks that were inconsiderate, and was intolerant of anything that did not fit into my mold of what was right or wrong. They were incredibly supportive and the environment was as positive as can be, yet my urge to have a bad attitude towards my family members came to fruition. 

Thankfully, I came to realize my mistake and apologized. We enjoyed the rest of our time together and I feel that the concert revived my inner fire for following Christ.  

My hope would be that we take this example and apply it to other parts of our lives. No matter where we are, we cannot assume temptations will not get the best of us or that we no longer need to make a conscious effort to make godly choices. Whether we be walking through the doors of a church, serving in the mission field, spending time with other Christians, or having a presence in some sort of religiously-affiliated place, we must remember that we are not immune to sin. 

Christ must be on our mind and in our hearts at all times. Even when we are in places that seem to pour out His goodness, we must remember that we are still in need of His love, grace, and forgiveness. No environment can make us the "perfect" Christian and that is not a concept of which to be ashamed. We are all in need of the perfect sacrifice, Jesus, to account for our imperfect selves! 

Have a good night, dearest readers, and remember how much He loves you!