Saturday, June 14, 2014

Rain or shine, God will provide!

Whether it be money or free time, I know God will provide through the wacky weather we've had this summer!

I was in a funk for the past few days, but thanks to my wonderful mother's words of truth, I am out of it now! After four days straight of no work, I was feeling really anxious and worried about the size of my upcoming paycheck. I was initially thrilled to have easily found a job for this summer. However, those initial feelings of excitement turned into confusion quite quickly! What did God have in mind by making it pour buckets of rain just one week into the job? The weather shut down opportunities to work in the local waterpark for multiple days in a row. Would this become a trend for the rest of the summer? 

I panicked and started searching for second jobs, different workplaces, online/at-home jobs, and even different positions within my current workplace. I tried anything and everything I could to fight back against the rain's attempt to keep me out of work. Thank goodness Mom stepped in at that point to set me straight! She reminded me that all would work out fine in the end. Mom eased my fears of not being financially stable and provided hope for better weather and time to pick up additional shifts the rest of the summer. 

I now realize the rain may not have been what I had envisioned, but it is exactly what God had in mind. Although He wasn't going to make it rain money, He certainly provided just what I needed to grow as a friend and a member of my family. I had the time to text and spend time with friends with which I had lost touch, the opportunity to play a long game of Monopoly after an evening at the pool with my sister, and enough of a break in the rain to go on a leisurely walk with my mom. 

Those experiences mean more than the dollar bills I could have earned in that time. God truly has a plan and knows what is best for us. He might not be providing the money I expected, but I know He will take care of me.

Scripture reminds us that we can always trust in God's timing and plan. 

"The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest." -Psalm 85:12

"He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he." -Deuteronomy 32:4

"Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken." -Psalm 55:22

I might not be seeing money now, but I am going to choose to rejoice in what I am being given in this time! God is going to care for us and bring glory to His kingdom in whatever way He chooses. We might not always understand, but we can trust that He will provide!

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