Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Alternate Plans

Hello Everyone! Happy Wednesday!

Tonight I just had to sit back and laugh. I took a shower for the sole purpose to shave in preparation for wearing capri-length pants to a group exercise class, got myself mentally pumped and motivated, and then was told by a friend that Zumba class was cancelled tonight. All that prep for nothing!

This scenario reflects a lot of situations that arise in life, in which we have positive intentions only to find that those plans were not aligned with what was actually going to happen. Sometimes the switch is more disappointing or more exciting than my Zumba class falling through, but nevertheless, we have to deal with the situation and move forward with the change in schedule.

I realized just a day or so ago that I had felt it was a wonderful idea to make the "Spread Some Love" Facebook page and put words to action, but even I have fallen off track with following through on that plan! Good intentions, but was it realistic? Probably not! I learned a lesson about myself through that experience-- setting a daily plan for how I can bless people is neither my strength nor is it practical! I'm realizing more and more that God wants me to see ways to help show others His love on sporadic and spontaneous everyday occasions, not through a scheduled-out calendar of Facebook events. 

So after going back and forth over what to do with this ineffective Facebook page, I did some talking to God and self-reflection and decided I would leave it in case someone else finds it to be useful. If it takes off and people want to connect via the page, great! If not, nothing lost and insight gained!

My initial thought was to end this post with the hope that your day is going more as planned than my own, but that might not actually be the best idea with which to leave this subject. Rather, I hope and pray that even if your day is not going as planned, you can trust God has something bigger and better to fill that time!

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