Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Update: 21 Before I'm 21

I've made some progress, with pictures to prove it! Check out all the stuff God has given me the opportunity to do over the past few weeks:

#5- Try at least five new foods, drinks, or restaurants...I tried Gigi's Cupcakes, IHOP, and several different types of authentic Vietnamese food!

#11- Do three crafts off of Pinterest...I'm working on door decorations for my residents next fall. I also made a running tutu. One more craft to go before I can fully check this task off the list!

#13- Make a scrapbook of my college experiences...I modified this idea and made a scrapbook of the travel experiences I've had, several of which were during college. I plan to update it as I go on more adventures!

#19- Do something unusual, spontaneous, or out of my comfort zone!...I started going to a college-age ministry program at a local church, all by myself! I joined a small group for the summer and pushed myself out of my comfort zone. I'm so glad I did because I've learned a lot and met some really great people!

#21- Keep up with my Bible-in-a-Year reading plan...I got a few days behind, but I'm caught up now! Currently working on Ezra and 31% complete with the plan. God is teaching me so much discipline through this endeavor.

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