Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Creeped Out on a Holy Day

The freakiest thing just happened. I got an e-mail...from a dating website.

At first I thought it was a scam, then after doing some Google searches I found out "Date My School" is in fact a legit website. How my e-mail address made it onto their list, I have no clue. All I know is that today is the start of Lent and I literally just started what is essentially an anti-dating movement for the next forty days. Receiving an e-mail that has anything to do with dating is quite the turn off right now!

Flat out, I'm creeped out.

It might be a stretch, or it might not, but my suspicion is that this e-mail was just one of the many ways Satan will try to tempt me out of my "follow Jesus" mentality for the next few weeks. Sure, it seems harmless. People get scam or misdirected e-mails all the time. But what if that e-mail wasn't so harmless? The creepy, scary part is when I consider the reality of where even looking into that website could have taken me. I know it was an opportunity to be misdirected away from Christ's intentions for how I need to spend Lent. Thank the Lord I was able to calm my curiosity enough to quickly hit the "unsubscribe" button as soon as I looked into the website.

Coincidentally (or not), I found an anonymous sticky note on my door tonight with the following verses:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." -Proverbs 3:5-6

I pray that my readers and I will be able to submit to God's will in the next few weeks, even as Satan tries to throw roadblocks and plant temptations in our paths. We may be creeped out and confused at times, but this piece of scripture is a beautiful reminder of Christ's support in following his paths. 

Regardless of if you participate in Lent or not, I hope and pray you all can find ways to connect with Jesus in the coming days. 

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